A forthcoming pool club at 1305 Erckmann Drive in the Old Village section of Mount Pleasant has many area homeowners on edge about increased traffic along the narrow roadway.
Projected to open in early 2026, the Erckmann Pool Club was formally approved by Mount Pleasant's Design and Review Board (DRB) in late October, as the developers heralded the community benefits of their business. In particular, they noted how it could serve as a convenient gathering venue for local youngsters.
Several neighbors residing around the Erckmann Drive/King Street intersection begged to differ during the Dec. 2 Mount Pleasant Transportation Committee meeting, including Carolina One realtor Suzie Smith.
The nearly 20-year Erckmann Drive resident cited issues with the considerable foot traffic (i.e. cyclists, children, pedestrians) forced to negotiate high levels of vehicles speeding down the cut-through with no traffic calming devices in sight.
As a possible safety measure, Smith suggested the addition of speed humps, speed bumps, stop signs or new sidewalks in light of cars and 18 wheelers barreling down the artery connecting Coleman Boulevard with McCants Drive.
Smith recounted standing by her window between 7:14 and 8:15 a.m. earlier that morning and counting 45 cars that drove down her block. While another resident, who asked to remain anonymous, reported recently seeing a little girl riding her bicycle nearly get run over by a large truck.
On that note, Smith later informed the Moultrie News of witnessing two cars crossing in opposite directions, forcing one of the vehicles to stop to let the other pass through.
Mike Tinkey also weighed in by pointing to the importance of a four-way stop sign at the Erckmann/King intersection. He further cited a zoning issue by stating how the Town noise ordinance defaults to a decibel level requirement that's too low for the residential neighborhood.
In analyzing the intersection, Engineering & Development Services Deputy Director James Aton detailed that King Street — which does have a stop sign — sees about 400 cars pass through daily. Erckmann Drive, conversely, registers a volume of 1,000 cars traveling through the approach. Additionally, Aton shared that multiple speed applications for speed humps on Erckmann Drive were summarily rejected in past years.
Two attempts in 2014 and 2022, he specified, failed to meet speed thresholds outlined in the Town's traffic calming program.
Another hurdle that was addressed by staff and council is the fact that Erckmann Drive is a state roadway. Obtaining a necessary encroaching permit for the installation of a four-way stop sign, per Aton, would be highly unlikely.
"That is a volume-based criteria. Obviously, as things develop around here, [we] will continue to investigate that and make appropriate recommendations and requests to DOT," said Aton.
In lieu of placing a four-way stop sign at the intersection, Mayor Will Haynie, suggested removing the stop sign from King Street and moving it to Erckmann Drive.
"That might solve the problem because, you know, one good takeaway from today is Erckmann is a through street all the way with no calming. And that's one way to slow it down," he advised.
Aton responded that if the road in question is eligible for traffic calming, his department would be glad to submit the request in the summer of 2025. All of this would necessitate some further speed studies and processes laid out in the aforementioned traffic calming program.
One possible remedy offered by Engineering & Development Services Director Brad Morrison is to use a radar feedback apparatus along Erckmann Drive, which the Town can implement without state approval.
On the subject of ushering in other safety measures in the form of crosswalks or sidewalks, Aton maintained that his team will look into those possibilities. The sticking point, he reminded, is that nothing gets added without the state signing off on it.
Aton promised committee members that more studies would take place on several portions of Erckmann Drive to assess if any meet the speed threshold to secure a stop approach.
In responding to Councilmember Howard Chapman, Planning Director Michele Reed confirmed that sidewalks would by law need to be installed at the property borders of the new construction.
What's more, Chapman asked Aton and Morrison to consider the option of a traffic circle on Erckmann Drive to slow the flow of traffic. While Morrison conceded that there's ample space for a roundabout in that area, he estimated a $2 million price tag for that kind of project.
Chapman, himself a registered engineer in Florida and South Carolina, voiced his objections to a four-way stop sign, noting that it only causes drivers to speed even more once they move past it.
The transportation committee voted to kick off a traffic study on Erckmann Drive and along its intersection with King Street, which will probably be completed during the month of January.
Two of the four investors in attendance, Trey Lucy and Brian Collie, communicated their willingness to work with council on the implementation of safety-enhancing traffic devices.
In the aftermath of the session, several homeowners continued the conversation on the impact of the Erckmann Pool Club in the Town Hall parking lot. They acknowledged that while the investors were able to secure an approval from the DRB, the proposed undertaking is still subject to transportation and stormwater reviews.
On the latter, Smith apprised the Moultrie News that the planned removal of trees in her area would negatively affect rampant flooding conditions on Erckmann Drive.
One homeowner, who identified himself as Oliver, claimed that a recent two-hour rain event led to five inches of water accumulating in his driveway.
"It's an area that's flooding heavily already to the point that we can't even get off the end of our streets during a rainstorm," said Smith.
#ErckmannDrive #OldVillage #ColemanBoulevard #McCantsDrive #TreyLucy #BrianCollie #MayorWillHaynie #HowardChapman #MountPleasanttraffic #MountPleasantNews #ErckmannPoolClub